Winchester 94Ae Serial Numbers
Winchester 94Ae Serial Numbers

Winchester 94Ae Serial Numbers

Data is based on the best available information from the time but there is no guarantee that all serial number and year combinations are 100% accurate. Winchester Model 94 Carbine Winchester Model 94 Carbine Serial 1690109. Please encourage your congressman and senator to vote against an internet sales tax and instead encourage local shops to hire persons to post on the web.Please be aware, only serial number ranges with an approximate year are provided blow. Please encourage your congressman and senator to vote against an internet sales tax and instead encourage local shops to hire persons to post on the web. Local buyers must pay TN sales tax and $10.00 TBI state back ground check fee. We do not accept PayPal or American Express. All items ship when payment clears, no exceptions. All the other part wear and are often changed. While older units may have either the entire serial number on all the major parts, or the last 4 digits of it on parts than the receiver, the one that counts is the numbers on the receiver. We also accept Visa, MasterCard and Discover at 2.8% service fee. Answer (1 of 8): The serial number will be on the receiver. Payment with US Funds from US Banks ONLY!!! We accept Cash, Checks, Money Order and US Postal Money Orders. Please be aware, only serial number ranges with an approximate year are provided blow. If illegal to own in your area don’t bid. Shipping will be $23.00 USPS Priority Mail if east of the Mississippi River, West will be $29.00, West Coast states $35.00. This allows for the mounting of a scope in the traditional manner of centered over the bore.

Winchester 94Ae Serial Numbers

The AE variant allows for the spent cartridge case to exit at an angle as opposed to over one’s head. Wood has a few handling marks, no cracks chips serious defects. Bore is perfect bright shiny and clear of any defects. WINCHESTER PROOF STEEL-, the top at the rear has an ovalled WP proof. Markings: The left of the barrel is marked WINCHESTER MODEL 94AE CAL. The rifle has very minor freckles on the receiver. Action Type: Lever Action Rifle with Full-Length Tubular Magazine.

Winchester 94Ae Serial Numbers

This rifle has the cross bolt safety and has the hammer spur for scope use. A very nice Model 94 AE in 30-30 Winchester, serial # 6404318.

Winchester 94Ae Serial Numbers